Colleges Wales

Sian Holleran at the 2015 Erasmus+ conference

Raising the profile of further education with key decision-makers to improve opportunities for learners in Wales

Colleges Wales represents all of the further education colleges in Wales and co-ordinates Erasmus+ applications submitted by consortiums of these colleges. Their mission is to raise the profile of further education with key decision-makers to improve opportunities for learners in Wales. Sian Holleran co-ordinates consortium applications for Key Action 1 VET funding by some of these colleges across Wales which involves co-ordinating expressions of interest, finding partners in Europe, managing the project and writing the application.

Colleges Wales has found that Erasmus+ projects bring benefits to the participants, who can be staff or students, by broadening their horizons; they learn about problem solving, resilience, being a team player and developing networks across Europe. Some of their participants come from socially deprived areas of Wales and therefore Erasmus+ funding allows them to have overseas experiences that they perhaps would never have been able to have otherwise.

In this video interview filmed at the 'My Story' Erasmus+ UK Annual Conference Sian Holleran, International Coordinator at Colleges Wales, explains the impact Erasmus+ funding is having for both organisations and learners in Wales.

Colleges Wales feels it is important to look beyond the borders of Wales to learn about teaching methodologies, work based learning and quality assurance that can all be learnt from working with European partners. Therefore it aims to:

  • influence the policy framework;
  • raise awareness of the value of further education;
  • disseminate and help develop good practice; and
  • deliver externally-funded projects that benefit FE learners in Wales.

Sian Holleran said: "For some of our students who come from very socially deprived backgrounds from areas of Wales, this is a real life changing experience for them. One childcare student who went to do a two week work placement in Italy didn’t have a passport and had never travelled abroad before. In fact she had never even considered working in Cardiff which is about 12 miles from her home." 

I can’t believe how this experience has changed my life, before I didn’t consider working in Cardiff and now I’m applying for nannying jobs in London. Had I not taken part in this experience, I would never have looked outside the valleys for work.  - Mobility participant

Find out more about mobility opportunities available through VET funding.