'My Story' Erasmus+ 2015 Conference

On 22 September 2015, the annual conference took place in Edinburgh, themed around the concept of ‘My Story’, enabling all participants to share their Erasmus+ stories throughout the day. 

Three inspiring case studies told of their Erasmus+ project journeys in the plenary session, 12 projects from across the UK showcased their good practice in the exhibition and all the delegates were invited to contribute their experience of the programme and join #epluspeople through social media or posting on our gallery wall.

In support of projects sharing their Erasmus+ stories, presentations were delivered from the UK National Agency, UK National Authority and the European Commission, celebrating the achievements of the programme in 2015 by showcasing the latest statistics and providing an overview on priorities for 2016 onwards. 

One of the highlights of the event was a special group of performers from the organisation Brouhaha International, based in Liverpool, who brought the carnival to Edinburgh and closed the conference with a spectacular performance!


You can view all the presentations from the day, including sector workshops, on our SlideShare clipboard.

View the conference videos

Erasmus+ YouTube channel link


The event was covered extensively on social media using the hashtag #epluspeople. You can view our Wakelet summary of the day with videos, tweets, presentations and resources from the day below.