
Jumping project participants

From AC Milan to Benfica - making young people more employable through their love of sport

Through an innovative ten-week work-based football training programme, the Key Action 1 VET project 'Community impact of sports clubs' introduces economically inactive and unemployed people in deprived areas of Wales to the commercial management of football clubs.

The prospect of being able to apply their business skills abroad, has really motivated young people to engage in our programmes and resulted in a new attitude to learning and employment. - Kelly Davies, Vi-Ability

With an excellent track record, the Vi-Ability project teaches participants how to run marketing, coaching and community activities. Young people will gain accredited qualifications, work experience and skills that not only help them get a better job in the future, but also increase their general life chances.

The project targets NEETs, (people not in education, training or employment), aged between 18 and 25 years-old. These young people could be from families of multigenerational unemployment, homeless, or early school leavers with no aspiration as to what employment could do for them. The aim is for participants to leave with increased self-esteem and the qualities they need to remain and progress in future employment, training or education. The project is a continuation of a highly successful Leonardo project, (pictured), funded under the Lifelong Learning programme.

As a direct result of that project 60% of participants went on to employment, with the others undertaking volunteering or further education.

Vi-Ability was awarded UK Social Enterprise of the year in 2015 and the 'Big Society Award' from David Cameron in recognition of its work on national and European levels in 2014. MD, Kelly Davies, has been appointed to the Sport Wales advisory group as a result, to help shape future development policies and funding strategies based upon the success of the Vi-Ability model.

Kelly added: "We are thrilled to announce the start of the Erasmus+ project. Having received previous grants from Leonardo Mobility, Vi-Ability are no stranger to the European programme and are looking forward to the transition to Erasmus+ and the new challenges it will bring…we have some exciting new partnerships and European work experience placements for our BTEC graduates to master the art of business in the sporting world."

If you have been inspired find out more about VET funding opportunities for learners and staff.