Lancaster and Morecambe College

participants from ideas into action erasmus+ project smile for a group picture

Across Europe young people’s entrepreneurial talents can help strengthen their local economies.

‘Ideas into Action’ is a two year Key Action 2 Strategic Partnership for Youth project led by Lancaster and Morecambe College working alongside European partners to help guide and prepare young people to think and act entrepreneurially within their community.

Project staff from partner organisations in each country arrived in Lancaster for the kick off meeting in early June 2015 to share the initial research and develop a sound basis for the project to be a success. The theme of entrepreneurship and a range of approaches were discussed. The partner countries include the UK, Italy, Slovakia, Romania, Lithuania and the Netherlands.

Aims and outcomes

The aims and objectives of the project are to combine the expertise of all partners involved in the partnership to create, pilot and refine training materials and share these with associate and social partners dealing with young people. Social partners include: youth clubs and community groups, the voluntary sector, informal youth groups and career guidance professionals. All embracing an international, global outlook.

Resources produced from the outcome of the project will be used across the partnership to deliver entrepreneurial guidance. The project will serve as a model for youth workers and trainers to embed themes and topics essential to a changing labour landscape. It is hoped materials can be adapted for use by different countries or translated after the project ends.

Entrepreneurship is a state of mind and this project aims to encourage young people to develop this further, some will already have it and others may be enthused to explore as a result of our actions - Ritske Merkus, Dutch Entrepreneur and project partner

Locally, the project will help to increase youth motivation and innovation in the local economy. By delivering a new and fresh approach to entrepreneurship young people can be less reliant on social benefits and take responsibility for their own future. The project outcomes will support young people to expand their horizons and employment outlook.

Hopefully this project can make a small step towards encouraging more young people to actively participate in entrepreneurship and to consider alternative career opportunities - Mathew Hayes, European Project Coordinator, Lancaster & Morecambe College

Want to find out more about strategic partnership opportunities for youth? Visit our Key Action 2 Youth funding page.

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