Kairos Europe

Gaining a greater understanding of issues affecting non-EU migrants when integrating within European cities


Kairos Europe’s mission is to provide quality training opportunities for young people and adults in order to improve their knowledge and skills and enhance their career prospects.

Their Key Action 1 adult education project 'Southern European migrant dilemmas: better integration methods' will help staff at the organisation gain a greater understanding of issues that affect non-EU migrants and people with disadvantaged backgrounds when integrating within European cities. 

Participants learn how to update their methods in helping migrants and refugees in need which in turn build their confidence to develop a more international approach in their day-to-day work.

Aims and objectives

The mobility will take the form of a range of workshops, teaching and learning activities, panel discussions, networking and sharing of ideas in relation to intercultural interactions. Fifteen participants selected from a pool of workers from the consortium take part in a professional development course in Southern Italy.

The objective is to widen understanding on the migration issues surrounding non-EU refugee and migrant communities in Mediterranean countries. Participants will be able to compare and contrast Italian methods of working with migrant methodologies against their own. In response to the various critical events affecting European countries; the focus of the workshop will not only be based on being able to communicate effectively with people of different backgrounds but also gaining ‘hands-on’ practical skills of working to better the lives of integrated non-EU migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. In this video interview, Kairos Europe Director, Amelia Fiorillo, explains more about the impacts of the project.

Our staff work on a daily basis with migrants and refugees who live in Southern European countries and then end up in the UK. The staff wanted a better understanding of what these people are going through before arriving in the UK. - Amelia Fiorillo, Director of Kairos Europe

The project aims to: 

  • establish intercultural dialogue and tackling social exclusion with a focus on non-EU refugee and asylum seeking communities; 
  • acquire new skills for training teachers, mentors, trainers in migration issues, community workers and leaders; 
  • develop a deeper understanding of the current changes taking place in a European society, with a focus on Southern Italy and its multiculturalism;
  • understand and make sense of diversity, and be able to talk about it productively and meaningfully; and
  • generate new ideas on how to update approaches and methods to help migrants and refugees in need.

Kairos Europe sitting together in a workshop.

Impact and benefits

The potential longer term benefits of this project are increased awareness and prospects of international actions. Kairos Europe also hopes to increase the consortium staff knowledge of issues affecting refugees and migrants across Europe and support staff to promote social inclusion and intercultural exchange among the other target groups they work with. 

Interested in mobilities for adult education? Find out more on our adult education funding webpage.