Cardiff University

student Rosie Jayne-Day stands smiling for a photograph taken during her time studying abroad

Continuing to offer staff and students the opportunities to gain an international experience through Erasmus+

Cardiff University regularly sends over 300 students abroad through Erasmus every year to study in one of its partner institutions in Europe or to take part in a traineeship. In 2014 they were awarded over €900,000 in Erasmus+ funding for student and staff mobility.

One such Cardiff student who benefited from the scheme was Rosie-Jayne Day, who studied in France and Germany. She spent her first term in Chambéry, in the south-east of France and her second term in Germany.

Highly recommended

“My experience in Chambéry was amazing. I can’t emphasise enough how much this experience has changed me. Having to deal everyday with new and difficult situations and having to do all that in a foreign language really forced me out of my comfort zone and it has made me far more confident.

"I think this experience has very much improved my employability because not only do I have language skills, but I’ve also lived abroad which really makes you more independent.

"Overall I think the best thing it has given me is confidence and also a wider outlook of the world and the realisation that living and working abroad is a real possibility. I would without a doubt recommend this experience to everyone!"

Whether you are a language student or not, an Erasmus year is just so worthwhile and I think anybody would benefit from having a year abroad. It has been the best year of my degree and I would do it all over again! - Rosie-Jayne Day, participant

Broadening Horizons

Annika Axelsen, Institutional Erasmus+ Coordinator at the university, said: “We believe that studying or working abroad enables our students to gain skills over and above those that they can gain through just studying in the UK. We believe offering our students and staff an international opportunity is paramount to their education and careers, broadening their horizons and improving employability. Students return with greater confidence, maturity and life-skills. Staff return enthused and pass on their inspiration to our students.”

Interested in going on an Erasmus+ placement? Take a look at our advice for participants!

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