Apply for cross-sector partnership funding

UK organisations involved in education, training and youth activities can apply for funding to run collaborative projects aimed at improving provision across more than one sector.

     How to apply     

What activities are possible?

Strategic Partnerships covering more than one sector can last between six and 36 months (with duration depending on the main sector) and are a flexible way of working with partners from different countries. Strategic Partnerships must focus on activities designed to improve provision across the participating countries and across the selected sectors.

 Activities could include:

  • the development of curricula, courses, joint study programmes;
  • learning, teaching, training and the development of materials and methods;
  • project-based collaboration, peer learning, workshops, research and analysis;
  • capacity building and networking;
  • information, guidance, coaching and counselling activities;
  • improvement of qualifications frameworks, credit transfer, quality assurance; and
  • training, teaching and learning activities for higher education, vocational education and training, school education, adult education and/or youth.

Full details of these activities, including durations and eligibility criteria, are given in the Programme Guide.

For all sectors except higher education, there are two different kinds of Strategic Partnership projects that you can apply for: projects supporting exchanges of practices and projects supporting innovation. Further information is available in our guidance for applicants.

How many partners are needed?

The number of partners and funding will vary depending on the project’s aims and activities. Strategic Partnerships in more than one sector where the main sector is youth must include a minimum of two partners from two different Programme Countries. Projects in all other sectors must include three partners from three different Programme Countries, including the applicant organisation. Strategic Partnerships can receive a maximum of €150,000 in funding per year.

Who can apply?

Any UK organisation involved in higher education, vocational education and training, school education, adult education or youth activities can participate in a Strategic Partnership for more than one sector, either as the lead or as a partner. One organisation must lead the project and make the application for funding. UK organisations leading a project must apply to the UK National Agency on behalf of the partnership.

How to apply

The deadline for applications covering more than one field depends on the main sector for the project. 

Organisations must apply using the application eForm for the main sector covered by the project and respect the rules for each sector covered in terms of eligibility of organisations and activities. If you are unsure which sector your project would fall under, please get in touch.

Apply for a cross-sector project where the main field is higher education

Apply for a cross-sector project where the main field is vocational education and training

Apply for a cross-sector project where the main field is schools

Apply for a cross-sector project where the main field is adult education

Apply for a cross-sector project where the main field is youth

Read our webpage for the latest information on Erasmus+ and the EU transition period.

Who should I contact?

If you have any questions about this activity, please establish the main sector covered by the project, then contact the National Agency organisation which manages that sector.